BOOTTgon toaster-gadgets on BOOTSize 752 480 BOOTWhoo BOOTTNsok new screen (main loop flag) *TTNsok BOOTOpsc open it *now* BOOTAl24 allocate rgb BOOTKe24 keep 24 bit buffers in between 'select's from switcher BOOTDela cause a .5 second delay, on bottom of screen, before scroll BOOTCcon compressed composite/framestore files are used (2.0) BOOTScof scroll lock OFF BootBrt7 'little' circle brushes selected at startup BootBsz3 '3rd smallest size' BootCbx1 2nd palette color (white, default) BootHvof set 2way blend gadget OFF BootUgad update usergads on start BOOTGpat Get Default paths BOOTSrex readarexx scripts BOOTTdv1 Select DV1! a Redo channel Dbru test bm dump Trns airbrush a Redo A Trns airbrush A Redo b Scis brush/scissors B Bswa brush swap//restore alternate when no cutout-brush c Drci draw mode circles c Flof fill off C Drci draw mode circles C Flon fill on d Bsmo draw mode "smooth" d Flof fill off D Bsmo draw mode "smooth" D Flon fill on e Drar draw mode ellipse e Flof fill off E Drar draw mode ellipse E Flon fill on f Flof flood fill off F Flon flood fill on (action code "Floo" will flip it, just like gadget) g Coor coordinates mode toggle G Grto grid toggle on/off DIGIPAINT PI H Grmo grid mode...mouse set DIGIPAINT PI h Cpic copy picture to swap i Apfc add field to out clip Font load font requester I Iclp icon for paint clip j Swap swap screens J Bswa swap brushes K Cbx0 ;choose color zero ;'K' clears screen to color zero K Clrs ;clear screen K Cbx1 ;choose color 1 ;then resets to color one l Frbx ;screen arrange l Loco load composite (framestore) requester L Frbx ;screen arrange L Saco save composite (framestore) requester m Magn magnify m Ugad m Move m Ugad m Penu M Meoo memory display on menu screen, on off toggle, was 'Magn' magnify n Poth $8000 ;'n' sets the 2way blend slider to 'center' position n Potv $8000 n Spoh $8000 ;'n' ALSO sets the 2way warp slider to 'center' position n Spov $8000 N Bcop brush copy to swap o Frbx screen arrange o Lobr load brush requester (WAS Vwpg view page overscan 320->352) O Frbx screen arrange O Sabr save brush requester (WAS Vwps view page "severe" overscan 320->384) p Frbx ;screen arrange p Load load 24bit rgb picture requester P Frbx ;screen arrange P Sa24 save 24bit rgb picture requester Q Quit *watchout* immediate quit (return to switcher) r Drre draw mode rectangle r Flof fill off R Drre draw mode rectangle R Flon fill on s Doty draw mode "dotty" S Snoo snap mode on/off toggle, this 1x mode keeps the overscan view centered t Trof transparency off (action "Tran" will flip it, like the menu-item) T Tron transparency on u Undo U Figm global fill v Drln draw mode polygon v Flof fill off V Drln draw mode polygon V Flon fill on w Whsc whole screen "brushstroke" W Fion color-fill mode ON x Flix brush flip x-horizontal X Flix brush flip x-horizontal y Fliy brush flip y-vertical Y Flpy brush/screen flip y-vertical z Rotp rotate brush "plus" 90 degrees clockwise Z Rotm rotate brush "minus" 90 degrees anti-clockwise $9b 0~ Ctrl F1 control screen select $9b 0~ Frbx F1 also does 'screens to front' $9b 1~ Txbt F2 text screen button...'Abc' $9b 1~ Frbx F2 also does 'screens to front' $9b 2~ Pale F3 palette screen $9b 2~ Frbx F3 also does 'screens to front' $9b 3~ Undo F4 $9b 4~ Redo F5 $9b 5~ Pot1 $0000 F6 $9b 5~ Pot0 $0000 F6 100% blend center, edge $9b 6~ Pot1 $8000 F7 $9b 6~ Pot0 $8000 F7 50% blend $9b 7~ Tdv1 F8 = DV1 buffer $9b 8~ Tdv2 F9 = DV2 buffer $9b 9~ Vwct ;view composite;Seet "SeeToaster";Ttog F10 transp 2-way dir' toggle $9b J~ Gdv1 Shifted F8 = DV1 buffer grab $9b K~ Gdv2 Shifted F9 = DV2 buffer grab $08 Undo 08=BACKSPACE $7f Aroo ;toggle "always render mode" on/off Undo 7F=DELETE $9b ?~ Scoo ;scroll lock on/off with the HELP key $9b A Ksup ARROW KEYS $9b B Ksdn $9b C Ksrt $9b D Kslt $9b T Gyup SHIFTED ARROW KEYS for grid spacing inc/dec DIGIPAINT PI $9b S Gydn $9b $20 @ Gxup $9b $20 A Gxdn ~ Squt super-quit...asks switcher for "unload from memory" ***` Aoff "all modes off" com-out ` Pmcl paint mode default "clear" 1 Pmso paint mode range 2 Pmln paint mode lighten 3 Pmdn paint mode darken 4 Pmco paint mode colorize 5 Rubt paint mode rub thru 6 Blur paint mode blur 7 Warp txmap source on...was Sizi paint mode "txmap" 8 Pman paint mode and 9 Pmor paint mode or 0 Pmxo paint mode xor ! Dith "!" will turn off dither ! Rdit ! Rdit @ Rdit @ Dith matrix/ordered dither # Dith # Rdit random dither $24 Aali anti-alias toggle $ $25 Tbbo text bold % $5e Tbit text italic ^ $26 Tbun text underline & * Xoff disable xspecs odd/even paint ("Xbot" enables both without odd/even-ness) ( Xlef left/even lines for xspecs ) Xrig right/odd lines for xspecs $1b Clbx ESCAPE KEY = CLOSEBOX ON TOOL SCREENS $09 Pmcl 09=TAB key does paint mode normal $09 Pot0 0 blend sliders "full up" $09 Pot1 0 $09 Poth $8000 set the 2way blend slider to 'center' position $09 Potv $8000 $09 Spoh $8000 set the 2way Txmap/stretch slider to 'center' position $09 Spov $8000 / Aaof anti-alias/smoothing off ? Aaon anti-alias/smoothing on , Pick < Blu2 a heavier blur mode....WAS 'Pick' . Dotb single dot brush > Dotb single dot brush " Wtog warp direction toggle ' Wtog warp direction toggle \ Btog brush shape toggle | Btog brush shape toggle = Bszl brush size larger + Bszl brush size larger - Bszs brush size smaller _ Bszs brush size smaller { Exec c:Run >nil: testjunkprogram rx s:paintmacro } Wham redo (cleanup) the preview display ------------------------------------